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How to introduce your pup to the Real Grass Puppy Potty

When introducing the Real Grass Puppy Potty, whether it's indoor or outdoor, here are some steps to help train your dog to use it:

  1. Familiarise your dog with their new Real Grass Puppy Potty: Put your dog on a lead and take them to the new toilet area and let them explore it. Allow them to sniff around and become comfortable with the space. This helps them associate the area with going to the bathroom.

  2. Use scent attraction: Dogs are often attracted to specific scents when it comes to eliminating. If it's indoors, you can try using a scent attractant specifically designed for this purpose. For outdoors, you can use a small amount of your dog's urine or feces to mark the area as a designated toilet spot. The familiar scent can encourage your dog to use it.

  3. Supervise and redirect: Keep a close eye on your dog during the initial stages of training. Whenever you notice signs that they need to eliminate or if they start to go in an inappropriate spot, gently and calmly redirect them to their Real Grass Puppy Potty. Use a leash if necessary to guide them there and to keep them in the area.

  4. Use verbal cues and commands: Introduce a specific verbal cue or command that you can use when you want your dog to go to the toilet. For example, you could use "Go potty" or "Do your business." Use this command consistently when taking them to the Real Grass Puppy Potty and reinforce it with praise and rewards when they eliminate there.

  5. Reward successful toilet breaks: Whenever your dog uses the new toilet area successfully, provide immediate praise, treats, and positive reinforcement. This positive association will reinforce the behavior and make them more likely to repeat it.

  6. Maintain a consistent schedule: Establish a regular potty schedule for your dog and stick to it. Take them to the Real Grass Puppy Potty at specific times throughout the day, such as after meals, waking up in the morning, or before bedtime. Do not give up on the first time they do not use it, repetition and consistency will help your dog develop a routine and understand when and where it's appropriate to eliminate.

  7. Clean accidents properly: If accidents occur, clean them up thoroughly using an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate any residual odor. This is important because lingering smells may confuse your dog and make them think that spot is still an appropriate toilet area.

  8. Be patient and persistent: Remember that training takes time and each dog learns at their own pace. Stay patient, consistent, and positive throughout the training process. Avoid punishment or scolding if accidents happen, as it may hinder progress and create anxiety or confusion for your dog.

By following these steps and providing consistent guidance and positive reinforcement, your dog will understand where to potty if they didn’t already, in no time. Remember, training success depends on the individual dog, so be patient and adjust your approach as needed.